Der Bugmann


Scattered Reflections on Psychoanalysis and Comic Books

Liberal’s Need to Stop Talking About Superman Being an Illegal Alien

I hate when mosts liberals talk about immigration reform. Why? Because liberalism, or to be more precise Social-democracy, cannot offer any concrete solutions to the immigration problems (or really an political-economic problem arising out of the conditions of global capital) facing America, and other modern western democracies. They can only offer cheap moralization. And thus we arrive at  this stupid little gem, published by the Comics Alliance today.

In the article the author points to the symmetry between an alien superhero who does good, and the good an illegal alien does by providing money to a loved one back home. It tugs at the heart strings, no doubt. But what is it really saying if we take into account its ideological bent. Its celebration of the workers who are willing to do these shitty jobs only really serves to legitimatize a deeply unegalitarian society that necessitate these divisions to begin with.

Here I return to my point, liberals cannot provide answers to illegal immigration reform. If we disregardard the facist right, who have a unhealthy spiritual attachment to land, it is the right (capitalist. I don’t mean ideologically capitalist, I am talking about the actual functionaries of capital) that benefit the most from immigration. Capitalism has always needed a steady supply of cheap labour. In late capitalism, otherwise known as transnational global capitalism, this cheap labour must be allowed to shift freely through global points thus making national boundaries an impediment to capital. Think about it, who did the most to try and reform immigration laws. George W. Bush. Read the rest of this entry »

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About Der Bugmann


Yunus is a devout Muslim, a registered member of the Communist Party of America, a misanthrope and an artist struggling to sell his paintings of women being eaten by monsters. Secretly he worries that the world sees him as a misogynist. In his spare time he enjoys tweeting about his poop.


Newsarama: YunusWajdi
CBR: ywgonzalez
DC Boards: ywgonzalez
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